Lorraine Street Pedestrian Bridge, Strathfield NSW

Teleo was awarded the project to design and construct 3 pedestrian bridges over Powells Creek, North Strathfield.
The three new pedestrian and cycleway bridge crossings join sections of the Bay to Bay path improving access to Mason Park, Bressington Park and Ismay Reserve.
After being manufactured in Port Macquarie, the Lorraine Street bridge was delivered in 3 sections to site on Wednesday 22nd June 2022 and pieced together onsite. The complete bridge was then lifted by crane as one piece onto the prepared footings, on Thursday 23rd June at 10am.
The installation was attended by Strathfield's Mayor, Matthew Blackmore and staff, along with Sydney Water and Transport NSW staff.
This project is funded by the NSW Government under the Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program to improve open space and active transport links along the Parramatta Road corridor.
The bridge design is ramped to be above the 1:100 year flood level and is 32m long by 3.5m wide with FRP decking system and modular handrailing. The installation included passing the bridge under the power lines and then lifting the complete bridge onto the footings.
Teleo were later tasked with designing and collaborating, with both the artist and specialist lighting consultant, to develop fabrication and installation methodologies for the commissioned lighting artworks on the bridge.
Click here to see more about Powells Creek Lorraine Street Bridge Artworks, Strathfield NSW
Lorraine Street Bridge being installed