Water Reservoirs, Scott Base, Antarctica (Phase 2)

In 2019, Teleo was awarded the project to replace two 40kL potable water storage tanks on Scott Base, Antarctica – one of the most remote and environmentally significant regions on the planet.
These water tanks needed to be designed for easy onsite construction, with careful consideration as to the minimal space available to transport all components, tools, and other items required for assembly – there is no hardware store just down the road to pick up a missing handful of bolts.
After successfully completing phase 1 of this job in February 2020, we were delayed in returning for the next phase due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic.
Design requirements at Scott Base had altered by the time we were able to return in December 2022, so our scope of works had changed to include the construction of the next tanks in a new location and the relocation of the 2 tanks built in 2020.
The endless summer days were celebrated in a variety of temperatures, with a mini-heatwave mid-December raising the temperature to 6 degrees C.
Typical days of -16 degrees soon returned, bringing snow and gusty winds into contention, and serving to remind that adaptive and creative design to meet the relevant Standards is the only way to successfully complete such a challenging project.
We are proud to have had the opportunity of working with Antarctica New Zealand as they complete their redevelopment project for Scott Base, which in turn will support their ongoing sustainable scientific research endeavours for the next 50 years.