Water Reservoirs, Scott Base, Antarctica (Phase 1)

Teleo Design were engaged in 2018 to design, supply and install 2 replacement water tanks for the Scott Base research facility in Antarctica. The tank capacity is 40kl each and these were supplied in shipping containers for assembly on site. The design of the replacements was to fit onto the existing timber footings.
Teleo supplied the materials for the replacement tanks in December 2018, allowing for their delivery in January 2019 as freight on the annual container ship.
Teleo went to Antarctica in December 2019 to undertake construction of the 2 tanks, with works requiring completion by January 2020 as the weather is most reliable at this time of year.
Construction works included demolition of the existing tanks prior to assembly of new tanks, with all undertakings subject to extremely strict timelines and environmental conditions.
Teleo received a second order to supply the remaining 2 tanks in 2019 however completion of that stage of the project was delayed due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, finally commencing with an amended scope of works in December 2022.