Waverton Coal Loader, Balls Head/Waverton NSW

The Coal Loader was used for loading ships until 1992. North Sydney Council planned and converted the Coal Loader into the new Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability, a community space including historical passageways, eco gardens and viewing platforms.
Teleo was engaged by the fabricators to detail the handrailing for the main Platform. The works required the design of a flexible manufacturing method as the existing site was quite irregular in shape. The project requirements restricted the use of site welding as this would impact the durability of the galvanised steel railing.
The Coal Loader Platform was opened in March 2018 as a public open space. The Platform is one of Sydney’s largest public accessible green roof spaces. The concrete and sandstone platform structure is one hectare in size (seven Olympic-sized swimming pools would fit side by side along its length) and is designed to be a multi-purpose recreational space with spectacular views of the harbour.